Updates completed this Week!Keeping you informed about our latest feature and product improvements. Please Note: As with every update, please remind everyone to refresh their browser before logging in by pressing Ctrl + F5 to ensure all changes take effect properly.
DashboardFeature Updates- Added a new dashboard card to display the count of Job Reminders that still need processing for today.
Product Improvements- Resolved an issue where the Financial Widgets displayed more than the Top 10 Customers.
Job ScreenFeature Updates- View ALL Customer Addresses
This was a popular feature request. Added the ability to view ALL customer addresses in the address book regardless of Customer or Address Type. Please email support@journease.co.uk to enable this feature.
- New Report
Added a Legacy report called "POD Photos," which was previously available only upon request.
- Quotes
The Quote button will now only be available for Professional Journease Subscription customers.
- Edit Invoice Address
Added the ability to add a different invoice address on the job screen at any point when creating a job.
Product Improvements- Fixed an issue that would prevent employees showing up in Journease Legacy if the employee record was created in Journease Go.
- Creating Jobs from Reminders had been timing out when creating a large number of jobs, this has now been resolved.
- Resolved an issue that would stop the delivery postcode from showing on the grid when creating reminders.
- Fixed an issue if a mobile app driver was selected in Legacy, it would display an error saying, "No Driver Found...".
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the supplier / driver default vehicle from showing in the vehicle field.
- Fixed an issue with Rounding up Additional Prices.
- Fixed an issue when creating a job from a reminder, the price would not display in the Browser or Live Console if no Additional Charges were present.
- Fixed an issue where it would reset the dates when creating a job from reminder were they originally had different days.
- Fixed an issue where it would prevent customer confirmation email from being sent if the top checkbox in the customer record was not ticked.
Live ConsoleProduct Improvements- Fixed an issue that would cause the POD Entry Modal to not re populate with pre-saved column order / width.
Trip PlanningFeature Updates- Extra Column
Added PID Location to the Grid when you open a Job Address Modal and expand the Product to show PIDs.
FinanceFeature Updates- Export Sales Invoices
Added the batch number to the export filename.
Product Improvements- Fixed an issue that would prevent the message history from updating when sending multiple invoices.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the sales invoice screen to time out when running large invoice batches.
Product Improvements- Fixed an issue that would give an error when trying to save a supplier immediately after it had just been saved.
- Fixed an issue that caused inactive services to appear in Supplier Costs & Rates.
BrowserProduct Improvements- Fixed an issue that would prevent a job from showing in "Jobs No Addresses" even although is was able to be opened via Quick Search.
SettingsProduct Improvements- Fixed an issue that prevented preselected defaults on "Load Details" and "Other Details" fields from being respected when selected in Global Settings.